Admin Bar Edit Content Links WordPress Plugin

The options page. Every custom post type registered on your site will show up here.
The options page. Every custom post type registered on your site will show up here.

So I’ve got another plugin in the WordPress plugin repository called “Admin Bar Edit Content Links.” Yeah, I know it’s a really long name.It adds a menu to the admin bar with links to edit pages, posts, or any other custom post type used on your site. There’s an options page so you can choose which post types you want in and which ones you want out. All personal bias aside, this is one of my absolute favorite time-saving WordPress plugins. I install it on every website I touch and once my clients use it, they can’t get by without it. Continue reading “Admin Bar Edit Content Links WordPress Plugin”

Vagrant and WordPress

Guys (and girls).

I’m deleting MAMP from my computer. It’s toast. History. Trash emptied.

You’ve probably heard rumblings around the internet of Vagrant. If you don’t already know, it is a piece of software you can install on your computer to create virtual development environments. It uses something like VirtualBox to easily create virtual servers that you can use for local website development. It’s similar to MAMP but on steroids. I’ve been telling everybody in our Nashville WordPress developer meetups about using Vagrant and I’m hoping to convert a few MAMP users. Continue reading “Vagrant and WordPress”

NextGen Gallery Tweet and Like Buttons

If you’re like me, you love most features of the NextGen Gallery WordPress plugin. Most. You also probably think that there are several features missing from the plugin. One such “missing” feature is the lack of a unique URL (other than the direct image path) for a single image. And if you don’t have a unique URL for each image, how can you share a link to that specific image across your social networks? I’ve worked out a way to achieve this without modifying the core NextGen Gallery plugin files. Continue reading “NextGen Gallery Tweet and Like Buttons”